Published: April 03, 2020
Avita Adds Telehealth To Keep Patients At Home and Safe
BUCYRUS/GALION/ONTARIO – In an effort to protect patients, Avita Health System is now offering Telehealth video appointments to help keep patients in their homes and safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“The need for patients to see their medical providers for treatment not related to COVID-19 is continuous,” explained Jerry Morasko, President/CEO of Avita Health System. “Our patients still have existing and new health conditions that need treated and medications that need refilled.”
Telehealth offers virtual health services, including routine office visits, consultations, and treatment by medical providers. Appointments are conducted face-to-face using video technology from a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Avita is providing telehealth for many of its primary care and specialty clinics, pharmacy, walk-in clinics, medication management, and nutrition therapy. Patients are walked through the set up process by Avita’s team of experts and are provided simple instructions to ensure utilization by as many patients as possible.

Morasko added, “In Ohio, and around the world, things are changing quickly and we want to be proactive to protect our patients, employees, and the community. We’ve worked around-the-clock to implement telehealth so patients can have appointments with their providers from their homes. It’s one of our many efforts to limit potential exposure and spread of COVID-19. So far, we have numerous service lines and more than 60 providers offering telehealth appointments. Those numbers will continue to increase in the days ahead.”
To find out if your Avita medical provider is offering telehealth, visit avitahealth.org. Eligibility is dependent upon your medical needs and insurance plan. Patients will need to contact their medical provider to find out if they’re a candidate for a telehealth appointment.
To answer questions about COVID-19, Avita’s Coronavirus Information Hotline is available Monday – Friday from 8:00am – 4:30pm at 419-468-0800. In the case of an emergency, call 911.
Avita Health System is dedicated to the health and safety of the community. Avita will continue to monitor hospital operations, assess the needs of the community, and take necessary COVID-19 precautions as the situation develops and new information emerges.