Amanda Kovolyan, MD
Family Medicine, Hospice
Fax: 419-563-3285
Medical School | St. George's University, Grenada, West Indies |
Residency | Fort Wayne Medical Education Program, Fort Wayne, IN |
Certification | Board-certified in Family Practice |
139 Gaius Street
Bucyrus, OH 44820
Amanda Kovolyan, MD offers Telehealth appointments for her patients. To be eligible for a Telehealth appointment, you must call the office at 419-563-9855 and be approved for Telehealth by the physician. Your Telehealth appointment will be scheduled by office staff based on availability. When it is time for your appointment, you will be provided a Meeting ID and password to access your Telehealth appointment. You must use video and either a phone call or computer audio to join a Telehealth appointment. In order to use this service, please follow the instructions below or call the office at 419-563-9855 for assistance.
Software Installation
Download the Zoom Cloud Meetings app on your mobile device or visit the Zoom website and then follow the instructions for your device below.
- Download the Zoom Cloud Meetings app from Google Play or the App Store via the links above.
- Launch the app and click "Join a Meeting". Enter the Meeting ID you were given and your name, and then click "Join".
- Enter the password you were provided. You may be asked to allow permissions to access your microphone and camera. Make sure to allow permission.
- On the video preview screen, click "Join with Video".
- Once connected press "Call via Device Audio" on Android or "Call using Internet Audio" on iPhone.
- Click the Zoom logo above to visit the Zoom website.
- When the page loads, enter the Meeting ID you were given and click "Join".
- On the next screen the Zoom software should automatically download. If it does not start automatically, click the link that says "download here". Open the file that was downloaded once it is finished.
- When the software opens, enter your name and the password you were provided. Then, click "Join Meeting".
- Next, ensure your webcam is working properly in the preview and click "Join with Video".
- Once connected, click "Join with Computer Audio".