Published: April 11, 2022
Avita Ontario Hospital Opens New Inpatient Wing
ONTARIO – Avita Health System opened its new inpatient wing at Ontario Hospital today.
“We added 12 inpatient rooms on the second floor of Ontario Hospital,” said Jerome Morasko, President/CEO at Avita Health System. “These additional rooms expand our medical/surgical and intensive care units. They are all private and furnished with the most advanced medical technologies.”
The new inpatient rooms are part of Phase III of Ontario Hospital, which included an LDRP maternity unit that opened in February.
“Each of our new rooms are equipped to provide negative airflow, which means they can be utilized for patients with isolation precautions, such as COVID-19,” added Morasko. “We are prepared to use them for a community surge if the need arises, but the plan to add more beds at Ontario Hospital has actually been in the works for several years. It became apparent to us early on that we would need to expand our inpatient care in Ontario.”
Avita invested 15 million dollars into the Phase III projects and have added approximately 100 jobs. “We’re excited for our new inpatient wing and to provide the highest quality of care for patients in our communities,” added Morasko.