Published: February 02, 2024
Avita Ontario Hospital is First Stop on State-Wide SOAR Study Tour
BUCYRUS/GALION/ONTARIO – Avita Health System has announced that they are working with The Ohio State University College of Medicine and Wexner Medical Center to host the first research site for the State of Ohio Adversity and Resilience (SOAR) Study, a state-wide initiative to identify the root causes of emotional distress, suicide, and drug overdose in Ohio. Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and OSU jointly announced this initiative in January.
“We’re thrilled to open our doors to OSU and provide a location and resources for the SOAR Study,” explained Jerry Morasko, President/CEO of Avita Health System. “Our community health needs assessments in both Crawford and Richland counties have shown a need for mental health, addiction, and suicide awareness and prevention. We’re excited that OSU chose our community as the first study site for this initiative. The information gathered from local participants will create an opportunity to make a big impact here and throughout the state.”
The Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OhioMHAS) is funding the project with an initial $20 million grant. SOAR will study Ohioans in their local communities using an integrated “bring science to the people” approach.
Their brain health study will be launched at Avita Ontario Hospital in February for approximately three months. The study will consist of physical and mental health screenings, MRI and EEG scans of the brain, a blood draw, as well as phone surveys and questionnaires. Volunteers ages 12 and older and their family members are invited to request participation by calling 614-688-9537 or emailing SOARstudies@osumc.edu. Volunteers are eligible to receive up to $355.
Avita will be hosting a ribbon cutting ceremony to welcome the SOAR Study to their site on Feb. 9 at 2:00pm at the West (MRI) Entrance of Ontario Hospital. This event is open to the public.
For more information about the SOAR Study, visit https://soarstudies.org/