Published: May 20, 2019
Avita Ontario Hospital Installs 3T MRI
ONTARIO – Patients coming to Avita Ontario Hospital for routine Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans have a new reason to be excited. With the MAGNETOM® Verio 3T MRI scanner from Siemens, Avita Health System can offer some of the most advanced MR imaging services in a magnet that is designed for maximum patient comfort.
“When Avita was looking to purchase a new fixed MRI for Ontario Hospital, many of our physicians specifically asked for the more powerful 3T MRI in place of the 1.5T MRI that is common in our area,” explained Jerome Morasko, President & CEO of Avita Health System. “We decided to make the additional investment to enhance patient care and bring this technology to this area. Now patients no longer have to travel to Cleveland or Columbus for the tertiary care capabilities of a 3T MRI.”
3T MRI offers excellent image quality, superb diagnostic capabilities, and exceptional patient comfort with a large, patient-friendly 70-cm opening. With one foot of spacious headroom, patients won’t feel like they are nose-to-nose with the top of the magnet. This means the tight confines of older MRIs are a thing of the past. The system’s opening is wide enough to accommodate a diverse array of patients including individuals who have traditionally been hard to image, such as patients that weigh up to 550 lbs. and those who are claustrophobic.
3T MRI boasts the strongest magnet field strength used clinically today and gives Avita physicians access to many applications, including functional neurology evaluation. This advanced system delivers the highest resolution brain imaging to identify tumors, strokes, as well as brain malfunctions and injuries.
“The exclusive, local availability of a 3T MRI unit will enhance the ability to diagnose and manage many neurological and non-neurological conditions without the patient having to travel long distances for care,” explained Dr. R. Theodore Woodruff, Neurologist at Avita.