Published: September 04, 2019
Avita Galion Hospital Recognized by Ohio First Steps for Healthy Babies
GALION – Avita Galion Hospital’s maternity center has been recognized by the Ohio Hospital Association and the Ohio Department of Health for completing the Ten Steps for Successful Breastfeeding. This 5-star recognition is part of the Ohio First Steps for Healthy Babies initiative to award hospitals for taking steps to promote, protect, and support breastfeeding in their organization.
“This is one of the many ways that we are fulfilling our mission to improve the health and well-being of those we serve,” said Kathy Durflinger, MBA, RN, Chief Nursing Officer at Avita Health System. “While in the hospital, our team provides breastfeeding support and education to new moms. When they go home with their babies, we offer support groups to help answer questions and encourage moms on their journey. It’s a comprehensive approach to breastfeeding.”
This initiative encourages maternity centers across the state to promote and support breastfeeding one step at a time, along with the option to select which steps, some or all, to adopt. A star is awarded for every two steps achieved in the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding, as defined by the World Health Organization and Baby-Friendly USA. Galion Hospital is one of only 27 hospitals in the state and the only one in the region that has earned 5 stars – the highest recognition – from the Ohio First Steps for Healthy Babies Review Committee.
“The First Steps recognition is an honor to achieve,” explains Deanna Grube, Lactation Consultant at Avita Health System. “It demonstrates to our community and the State of Ohio that Avita’s OB staff and providers support and encourage breastfeeding success. Thanks to their tireless efforts, we are able to prepare mothers and babies for their breastfeeding journey. We can be proud of the impact that we are having on improving the outcome of their child’s life by supporting their first steps.” For more information about Ohio First Steps for Healthy Babies, please visit, ohiohospitals.org.