Published: March 11, 2021
Avita Adds COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic in Crestline
CRESTLINE – Avita Health System is opening a COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic in Crestline at the Seltzer Station Conference Room, located at 385 N. Seltzer St. The first day for community vaccinations will be Wednesday, March 17.
“Since January, we’ve been providing COVID-19 vaccinations at our hospitals in Bucyrus, Galion, and Ontario,” explained Jerry Morasko. “Now we’re opening a vaccine clinic in Crestline to add yet another option. The COVID-19 vaccine is important, and we want to ensure all of our communities have ample access to the protection it offers.”
To schedule an appointment at an Avita vaccine clinic, call 419-468-0800 Monday – Friday from 8:00am – 4:30pm. As of today, the state is in Phase 2B of Ohio’s vaccination plan which extends eligibility to those age 50 and older. Individuals must meet the minimum age requirement or have a specified medical condition, as outlined by the Ohio Department of Health, to qualify for vaccination. Walk-in appointments are not available.
Individuals scheduled for a COVID-19 vaccine are allowed one support person and will be asked to bring a driver’s license or state issued ID. Masks are required. Those sick with the following symptoms must wait until they feel better to be vaccinated: fever of 100.4 or higher, cough, sore throat, muscle aches, shortness of breath, diarrhea, vomiting, etc. Individuals who have received an antibody treatment for COVID-19 infection will need to wait 90 days after therapy to receive their vaccination.