Published: September 14, 2020
Pathways to Nursing
The intention of this pathway is to provide information on how to obtain an LPN or RN degree related to the location of the user. This information has been collected into one location, to assist in the navigation of content.
- Step 1 is a collection of course names that many schools require before entry into nursing school, or by the end of graduation.
- Step 2 is a list of nursing schools in your area along with a phone number and hyperlinks to their webpage.
- Step 3 is a brief list of physical, laboratory, and background information needed by the schools once you have been admitted into the program.
- Step 4 is a list of job opportunities available to you through Avita while you are enrolled in your program. These are specifically geared toward the needs of the student.
- Step 5 is helpful information regarding job opportunities within Avita Health System following graduation from your nursing program. New graduates are welcome here at Avita!
- Step 6 is continuing educational opportunities available through Avita for your personal and professional development in your chosen career.
Welcome to Avita!
Step 1: Courses typically needed for Entry to Nursing School
- Anatomy & Physiology I
- Anatomy & Physiology II
- Algebra I
- Microbiology
- Human Growth & Development
- English Composition I
- General Psychology
- High School Biology and/or Chemistry (depending on program)
General Courses Needed for Completion of an RN to BSN Program
See Above, in addition to:
- Nutrition
- Statistics
- English Composition II
- Chemistry (College level)
Resources for Success
Perrla Complete is a web based resource to write and format entire papers in APA or MLA. The service is also used as a reference database for professional sources, and allows you to insert references into your document. It does cost a yearly fee.
Step 2: Nursing Schools in the Area
North Central State College – Mansfield, Ohio
Also LPN option available in the Crawford Success Center in Bucyrus Ohio
Ashland University – Mansfield, Ohio Branch
Terra State Community College – Fremont, Ohio
Tri Rivers Adult Education – Marion, Ohio
Marion Technical College – Marion, Ohio
- Advanced Standing (LPN, Paramedic, Military Medic) to RN
- Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing Degree
- Nursing Technology (RN)
EHOVE Career Center – Milan, Ohio
Knox County Career Center – Mount Vernon, Ohio
Bowling Green State University – Bowling Green, Ohio
Ohio University – Athens, Ohio
Ohio State University
Locations include: Columbus, Lima, Mansfield, Marion, Newark and Wooster, Ohio
Mount Vernon Nazarene University
Youngstown University
Step 3: What is Needed Once You are Accepted into a Program
Typical physical requirements are:
- Physical, CBC, UA and a 10 panel drug screen within 6 months.
- Proof of 2 MMRs and Varicella injections or + titers.
- Must have a + Hep B titer, or proof of two full series and two negative titers.
- 2 step TB
- Tdap then a repeat Tdap or Td every 10 years
Background Check Requirements
- FBI and BCI clean background check
Step 4: While You are in Nursing School
Student nurse residency Program – Avita Health System Employees
Who Can Apply?
Applicants must be an Avita staff member who is in their last year of nursing school. There are two tracks in the program:
- LPN track
- STNA/PCA track
Why Should You Apply?
Both programs are intended to provide the maximum amount of support to nursing students nearing graduation, allowing them the opportunity to do additional skills to gain knowledge and assist in the development of critical thinking.
How Will Participation be Communicated?
Program participants will complete the program over one (1) year. The program coordinator will communicate participant information to administration, management, and the PCCs for identification at the beginning of the program. Additional information will include the skills expectations of the program.
Near the end of the program year, information will be communicated regarding remaining members of the program, along with the department they are interested in joining.
Program Includes
- T-shirt
- Increased skills to perform under the direction of an LPN or RN
- Paid shadow experience in top three areas of interest
What are the Expectations?
Beginning of the Program
STNA/PCA to RN Track
90 day skills checklist competency completed, specific for Student Nurse Residency STNA/PCA, with a staff nurse.
The included skills are considered non-invasive skills and can be performed by a trained STNA/PCA with the oversight of a nurse. Skills include:
- IV removal
- Foley removal
- NG removal
- Empty JP/Hemovac drains
- Change NG Canister
The skills check list must be completed with a staff nurse and turned in before skills may be performed in your daily practice, with the oversight of a nurse. These skills are only performed by specifically selected and trained STNAs in the Student Nurse Residency Program.
*Invasive skills such as, IV insertions, NG Insertion etc., are not to be performed by anyone other than a licensed professional, that includes these skills in their scope of practice.
LPN to RN Track
Start the 10 IV Insertion Expectation of the RN Transition into Practice Program.
*Only LPNs who are IV certified are applicable to complete the 10 IV insertion expectation of the RN Transition into Practice Program.
Middle of the Program
Both tracks will complete three (3) shadow experiences of their choosing. Students are expected to turn in a reflection of their experience. Additional shadow experiences will be granted on a case-by-case basis dependent upon availability.
End of the Program
- Participants sign a six-month Good Faith Agreement.
This is a commitment to remain with Avita Health System for, at least, six months following graduation of our nursing program and successful completion of the NCLEX. This is contingent solely on application and hire into a nursing position. - One (1) evaluation from staff chosen by student to be completed and turned into Nurse Residency Coordinator.
- One (1) evaluation chosen by Nurse Manager or Nurse Residency Coordinator.
- RN position is held for them contingent upon an interview and availability
For more information, contact the Student Nurse Residency and New Graduate Coordinator at education@avitahs.org.
Step 5: After You Graduate
RN Transition into Practice Program – Avita Health System employees
- RN Requirement
- Transition support for those from long term care to acute care and new graduate nurses
- Eight weeks of basic critical thinking education in a classroom/sim lab setting in addition to your unit orientation
- Improved critical thinking skills
- Increase your base knowledge level and deepen the knowledge learned in nursing school
- Learn from a variety of educators within the health system
RN Opportunities within Avita Health System
- Medical Surgical
- Emergency Department
- OB – Galion
- Rehabilitation – Galion and Bucyrus
- Education Department
- Nursing Administration
- Surgery
- Quality
- Risk Management
- Information Technology
- Wound Care
- Pain Management Clinic
- Swing Bed-Bucyrus
- Physician offices
- Endoscopy-Ontario
- Cardiology Testing
- Vascular Cath Lab-Galion and Ontario
- Cardiac Cath Lab-Galion and Ontario
- Cardiac Rehabilitation
- Oncology
- Infusion Clinic-Bucyrus and Galion
- Employee Health
LPN Opportunities within Avita Health System
- In-Patient Rehab
- Surgery
- Physician Offices
- Emergency Department
- Medical Surgical
- Swing Bed
- Employee Health
- Information Technology
Step 6: RN and LPN Continuing Education Opportunities through Avita Health System
- Tuition reimbursement opportunity – Employees may receive a maximum total of $5,250 per fiscal year (July – June)
- ACLS certification
- BLS certification
- PALS certification
- SANE-Forensic Nursing
- TNCC certification
- Recognition Readiness
- Stop the Bleed
- PICC insertion training for RNs
- Quality Certification
- Preceptor Training
- NRP certification
- Approved provider to offer Continuing Education Units for FREE!
- NIHSS stroke certification
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