Published: September 14, 2020
Pathway to STNA
The intention of this pathway is to provide information on how to obtain an STNA related to the location of the user.
- Step 1 is a list of nursing schools in your area along with telephone information and hyperlinks to their webpage.
- Step 2 is a brief list of physical, laboratory, and background information needed by the schools once you have been admitted into the program.
- Step 3 is helpful information regarding job opportunities within Avita Health System following graduation from your nursing program. New graduates are welcome here at Avita!
- Step 4 is continuing educational opportunities available through Avita for your personal, professional development in your chosen career.
Welcome to Avita!
Step 1: Nursing Schools in the Area
Madison Career Adult Education – Mansfield, Ohio
North Central State College – Mansfield, Ohio
Pioneer Career and Technology Center – Shelby, Ohio
EHOVE Career Center – Milan, Ohio
Tri-rivers Adult Education – Marion, Ohio
Marion Technical College – Marion, Ohio
Knox County Career Center – Mount Vernon, Ohio
Step 2: What is Needed Once You are Accepted into a Program
Typical physical requirements are:
- Physical, CBC, UA and a 10 panel drug screen within 6 months.
- Proof of 2 MMRs and Varicella injections or + titers.
- Must have a + Hep B titer, or proof of two full series and two negative titers.
- 2 step TB
- Tdap then a repeat Tdap or Td every 10 years
Background Check Requirements
- FBI and BCI clean background check
Step 3: After You Graduate
STNA Opportunities within Avita Health System
- Medical Surgical
- Emergency Department
- OB – Galion and Ontario
- Rehabilitation – Galion and Bucyrus
- In-Patient Rehab
- Surgery
- Swing Bed
- Physician offices
- Employee Health
Step 4: STNA Continuing Education Opportunities through Avita Health System
- Tuition reimbursement opportunity- Employees may receive a maximum of $12,000 total under the program. Max total of $3,000 a year.
- BLS certification
- Student Nurse Residency Program
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