Published: August 08, 2019
Gout: What is it and Why Does it Hurt so Badly?
Gout flares are painful attacks that can last for Weeks.
Gout is a form of arthritis and you can have recurrent flares.
A flare occurs when uric acid crystals deposit in and around a joint. This happens most often in the big toe joint, but gout can occur in any joint.

Symptoms of a Gout Flare:
- Warm to the touch
- Redness
- Swelling
- Extreme Pain – will hurt to have the sheets touch your foot
Why did I get a Gout Attack?
Levels of uric acid are too high in the blood due to:
- Dehydration
- Working outside in the hot sun
- Not drinking enough water
- Drinking Alcohol
- Playing golf/fishing and drinking Alcohol
- Trauma
- Falling, tripping or stubbing your toe
- Shoes that are too tight
- Diet
- Red meat/organ meat
- Shellfish – shrimp/lobster/crab
- Sugary Drinks
- Alcohol – Beer
- Avocado, spinach, green peas, mushrooms, and asparagus

- Call your Podiatrist to be evaluated – Pain can be drastically reduced in several days with Prescription medications.
- Prescription anti-inflammatories
- Steroids
- Avoid red meat and shellfish
- Increase water consumption
- Gout and Cellulitis (bacterial skin infection) can look similar, but have different treatments. It is best to be evaluated by a medical professional.