Published: June 04, 2021
COVID-19 Safety Measures Remain In Effect at Avita Health System
BUCYRUS/GALION/ONTARIO – Avita Health System has announced their COVID-19 safety measures are still in effect, including masking, screening, and visitor restrictions.
Earlier this week, the Ohio Department of Health lifted and rescinded several pandemic health orders, including the statewide mask mandate. While numerous requirements have been removed across the state, orders remain in effect for healthcare facilities. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, persons in a healthcare setting should still go through a screening process, wear facemasks, and social distance regardless of their vaccination status.
In a continued effort to protect the health and safety of our communities, patients and visitors are still required to wear a mask in Avita facilities despite their vaccination status. Medical-grade masks are provided at the entrances of each hospital and all patients and visitors are screened for COVID-19 upon entry. Visitor restrictions remain in effect as follows:
- Visitors under the age of 18 are not permitted
- Inpatient (Med/Surg & ICU) and Maternity: 2 visitors at a time, max of 6 per day
- Surgery, Medical Offices, and Emergency Department: 2 visitors per day
- Visiting Hours 8:00am – 8:00pm
- Overnight visitation is not permitted
- Exceptions made for end of life care