Published: February 23, 2021
Avita Vaccinates Discovery School
ONTARIO – Avita Health System vaccinated over 75 percent of Discovery School employees last week, including classroom teachers, teaching assistants, administrators, substitute teachers, and school support personnel.
Discovery School chose Avita to conduct their vaccination clinic on-site, which “prevented us from having to use a calamity day when time with our students is more precious than ever,” explained Julie Schwartz, Head of School.
Discovery School is an independent school located in Mansfield with approximately 140 students aged preschool to grade six. It’s the area’s only International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme and has been around since 1975.
“We consider ourselves lucky to this point to have had only a small handful of cases in our building with no evidence of active spread within our school community. Other than the period of time when Richland County was purple, our students have been able to attend in-person school five days a week. Distance learning is offered for families who prefer it or when quarantining has been required,” added Schwartz.
Avita has been operating vaccine clinics for the community since January 19. Per Phase 1B guidance from the Ohio Department of Health, Avita is now vaccinating school employees when requested by the school. The employees at Discovery School were vaccinated during a three hour period by Cathy Sapp, RN, Executive Director of Avita Home Health and Hospice.
“Vaccinating school staff along with older at-risk Ohioans is a vital step to getting out of this pandemic and back to normal,” said Christina Barnes, Director of Pharmacy Services at Avita Health System. “We want to see kids back in schools and older Ohioans able to visit with family and friends. We are thrilled to be part of Ohio’s vaccination program.”