Published: September 12, 2023
Avita Recognizes Outstanding Employees with the 2023 Monarch Award
BUCYRUS/GALION/ONTARIO – Six employees at Avita Health System are being honored with the Monarch Award. This award is presented to employees who make a difference in the patient experience across the continuum by providing excellent and compassionate care.
The 2023 Monarch Award recipients are Jeremy Ray and Bill Johnson of Bucyrus Hospital, Shirley Robinson and Helen Karchnick of Galion Hospital, and Sonya Hoffman and Melissa Gilbert of Ontario Hospital. These employees embody what the Monarch Award represents: Motivating, Optimistic, Nurturing, Adaptable, Respectful, Caring, and Helpful.

Jeremy and Bill both work in the Plant Operations department at Bucyrus Hospital. They were both nominated for their integrity by having a commitment to doing what’s right and teamwork by working together with everyone in the organization. Whether it’s Jeremy responding quickly to emergencies for patient safety, or Bill stepping outside of his role to help with patient care, they have both proven their dedication to their work and are well deserving of the Monarch Award!

At Galion Hospital, Shirley works in our Pediatric Therapy department and Helen works in our Environmental Services department. They were both nominated for valuing patients by providing them with exceptional care and their integrity by commiting to doing what is right. Shirley has shown such kindness and genuine care to our patients that some choose to stay with our pediatric therapy office, even if it is further from their home than other options, just because of their interactions with her. Helen not only ensures that family waiting areas are in pristine condition, but also helps care for waiting families by offering kind words, working with other departments to provide extra seating if needed, and even bringing snacks on some occasions. We are proud to have both of them on our team and they are both deserving of the Monarch Award!

In Ontario, Sonya is a Registered Echo Technologist in our Cardiology department and Melissa is a receptionist at Dr. Brown’s office. They were both nominated for their exceptional care and dedication to their patients. Sonya consistently goes above and beyond to create a relaxed, comfortable environment for her patients and Melissa stayed on the phone with an anxious patient to ensure they recieved needed emergency services, and even checked with them after arriving at the hospital. These are just a couple of reasons why these employees deserve the Monarch Award. Congratulations to all of this year’s recipients!
Employees may be nominated for the Monarch Award by patients, families, and colleagues by filling out a form online or at one of the three Avita hospital locations. The award recipients are anonymously chosen by a committee of Avita employees and awarded at celebrations attended by the honoree’s colleagues.