Published: March 23, 2021
Avita Recognizes Outstanding Employees with Monarch Award
BUCYRUS/GALION/ONTARIO – Three employees at Avita Health System are being honored with the Monarch Award. This award is presented to employees who make a difference in the patient experience across the continuum by providing excellent and compassionate care.
The March 2021 Monarch Award recipients are Amanda Saunders of Galion Hospital, Dave Garrett of Bucyrus Hospital, and Mary Elswick of Ontario Hospital. These employees embody what the Monarch Award represents: Motivating, Optimistic, Nurturing, Adaptable, Respectful, Caring, and Helpful.

Amanda Saunders is a technical laboratory assistant at Galion Hospital. She was nominated for her selfless and giving spirit. According to the nominator, a young couple with two small children had been in a bad car accident and were treated for injuries at the Galion Hospital emergency department. “Their car had been towed away and their babies’ car seats were towed along with the car. The young couple had nobody to help them. Transportation was arranged for them to go home, but there were no car seats for their babies. Without hesitation, Amanda went to her car, got her own grandchildren’s car seats and gave them to the couple. She unconditionally surrendered necessary pieces of her own life to provide for the young family in need.”

Dave Garrett is a security officer at Bucyrus Hospital. He was nominated twice for going “above and beyond his job duties” during a Code Pink pediatric medical emergency. Said the first nominator, “David exhibited true empathy when helping the family during this difficult ordeal.” He contacted other family members, provided refreshments, and contacted clergy. “David has and continues to be a dedicated and shining example of our security team’s commitment to help Avita staff, patients, and visitors whenever and wherever is needed.” The second nominator added, “He was so helpful to the family in their time of need. He has a big heart.”

Mary Elswick is an environmental services aide at Ontario Hospital. She was nominated for working hard, being friendly, and helping patients. According to the nominator, Mary helped a patient in the surgery unit “reach her belongings and find something in her bag. The patient thanked her for being a great nurse and when Mary spoke to the patient and let her know that she was not a nurse it made the patient feel even more thankful that she stopped with her own work to help her out. As a co-worker, we see this from Mary all the time.” Patients and employees alike have noticed Mary going “over and beyond” her job duties.
Employees may be nominated for the Monarch Award by patients, families, and colleagues by filling out a form online or at one of the three Avita hospital locations. The award recipients are anonymously chosen by a committee of Avita employees and awarded at celebrations attended by the honoree’s colleagues.