Published: January 14, 2021
Avita Health System’s Community Vaccination Process
BUCYRUS/GALION/ONTARIO – Avita Health System has received a limited number of COVID-19 vaccines to administer to the public for Phase 1B of Ohio’s Phased Approach.
As of today, Bucyrus, Galion, and Ontario Hospitals are taking vaccine requests from persons 80 years of age and older. To request an appointment, call 419-468-0800 Monday – Friday from 8:00am – 4:30pm. Requests will not be accepted from those who do not meet the minimum age requirement. Walk-in appointments are not available.
“The public will be scheduled for their COVID-19 vaccine at Avita on a first come, first serve basis,” explains Jerome Morasko, President/CEO of Avita Health System. “We have a limited number of doses to administer from our first shipment of vaccines for Phase 1B, which is outlined to start with those 80 years of age and older. As this phase progresses, many others will get a turn to be vaccinated.”
According to Governor DeWine, Phase 1B Distribution is expected to offer vaccinations to an estimated 2.2 million Ohioans over the course of several weeks. The timing for Phase 1B is tentatively outlined as follows:
- Monday, Jan. 18 – Vaccines available to those 80 years of age and older
- Monday, Jan. 25 – Vaccines will open up to those 75 years of age and older; those with severe congenital or developmental disorders
- Monday, Feb. 1 – Vaccines will open up to those 70 years of age and older; employees of K-12 schools that wish to remain or return to in-person or hybrid models
- Monday Feb. 8 – Vaccines will open up to those 65 years of age and older
At Avita, the vaccine registration schedule will open the Thursday prior to each new age range opening. For instance, those 80 years of age and older can request a vaccine appointment starting Thursday, Jan. 14 and those 75 years of age and older can request an appointment starting Thursday, Jan. 21. Individuals will not be able to pre-register before each new schedule opens and will be asked to call back at a later date.
Those scheduled for a COVID-19 vaccine are allowed one support person and will be asked to bring a driver’s license or state issued ID. Masks are required. Those sick with the following symptoms must wait until they feel better to be vaccinated: fever of 100.4 or higher, cough, sore throat, muscle aches, shortness of breath, diarrhea, vomiting, etc. Individuals who have received an antibody treatment for COVID-19 infection will need to wait 90 days after therapy to receive their vaccination.
Vaccines will be administered within each Avita hospital at no charge:
- Bucyrus Hospital: 629 N. Sandusky Ave, Bucyrus, OH 44820
- Galion Hospital: 269 Portland Way S, Galion, OH 44833
- Ontario Hospital: 715 Richland Mall, Ontario, OH 44906