The Cornerstone Community Club creates a pathway for individuals and organizations to support funding priorities of the Avita Health Foundation through customized, packaged sponsorships.
Avita Health Foundation has a long history of investing in our community and partnering with individuals and organizations that share our focus to help Avita Health System to improve the health and well-being of the people we serve. Our signature events are a great opportunity to partner with the Foundation and demonstrate to our employees, community, your clients and staff, as to your dedication to improving our community and funding priorities within Avita Health System that impact patient care.
Cornerstone Community Club accepts philanthropic gifts and sponsorships that make an immediate and memorable impact on both the event and patients, while also providing an opportunity to have fun participating in the success of a special event tradition. For more information contact Chuck Cangelosi at

More than 70 Cornerstone Community Club Sponsors display banners of support at the Avita Golf Classic and the Moving Hearts & Soles 5K Run/Walk.
Signature Events
Golf Classic
- Pediatric Primary Care Physician Sponsored Reading Literacy Program & Imagination Library Sponsorship
2021 Impact:
- 36, 4 person teams or 144 golfers
- 40 sponsors
- Expect Net Proceeds to Exceed $35,000
Looking Ahead to 2022:
- Save the Date – Monday July 25, 2022 (sold out in 45 days in 2020)
Moving Hearts & Soles 5K Run/Walk/Kid Runs
- Dr. Theodore Ebner Allied Health Scholarship Fund and Designated Clinical Programs
2021 Impact:
- Anticipating 250 participants
- 12 Lead Physicians
- 10 sponsors
- Expect Net Proceeds to Exceed $20,000
Looking Ahead to 2022:
- Save the Date – Saturday August 13, 2022
Divas & Dolls
- Women’s & Children’s Initiatives – Dr. Terry Walker Ophthalmology Clinic – equipment and exams/eye glasses for children ages 4-7 demonstrating financial need.
2021 Impact:
- Expecting 300 participants
- More than 75 in-kind donations for auctions & sponsors
- Physician Entertainment
- Expect Net Proceeds to Exceed $30,000
Looking Ahead to 2022:
- Save the Date – Thursday September 15, 2022